This year our year 6 production is The Jungle Book. We were very enthusiastic about our parts and congratulated everyone on their roles. We are looking forward to presenting it in front of our parents and our school. In one of our art lessons, we drew pictures for the brochure and designed a front cover based on The Jungle Book. We are all very excited to find out whose front cover wins. We have been practicing our dances, learning our lines and the song words.
The play is the classic tale about a boy called Mowgli who gets accepted as a wolf cub. He grows up with the loving wolves, but some animals from the jungle don’t include him because he is different. Monkeys kidnap him, he gets rescued and then he has to build up the courage to fight Shere Khan, the tiger.
We have had Kat come in to teach us our movements on the stage and help us block the scenes and Miss Lee has choreographed our dances. Without the Year 6 teachers, Miss Lee and Kat, the play wouldn’t have been a such special moment for us to enjoy at the end of Year 6, we would like to say a big thank you for planning this play. In this play we are using collaboration to all work together to make it as best as it can be. We will also use bravery to perform it in front of our parents and finally joy because we are all enjoying the last term of Prep School.
By Karina and Nicole (6H