Welcome to Year 7

Head of Year 7 – Ms S Manser
Welcome to Sutton High School. I’m delighted that you are thinking about joining us in Year 7! Below you can read how they felt in their first year here. Each account is different, because every girl here is different – that is what makes this school a special place to be. Our school is diverse, warm and welcoming and our girls are friendly and kind. They love their school and we encourage them to be fiercely independent.
If you decide to join us here, you will be known and respected for who you are, and your strengths and talents will be valued as an important part of our community. Moving on from your junior or prep school is an exciting time and at our school you can be sure that it will be a lot of fun! There are so many opportunities here, both inside the classroom and in our trips, clubs and activities.
As you move up to senior school you will develop your independence and your love of learning, and we will encourage you to be the best that you can be. You will always be supported by excellent teachers who care about your learning and want you to succeed here. I look forward to meeting you soon.
S Manser
Head of Year 7

My first year at Sutton high was amazing! I joined in year 7 from a different school and thankfully, it didn’t take me long to memorize where my classes were, which was great. I was scared at first when I came but it wasn’t actually scary at all. I had barely any friends and wondered how I was going to make some. But luckily many people were the same and I quickly made some friends.
The lessons are interesting as there is so much to learn and do. Some of the subjects we do are Geography, History, Science, Math, English and more. You will never have time to get bored! There are also lots of clubs to go to. For example, there is STEM club, knit and knatter, Drama club and others. All the clubs are amazing and really help you develop new hobbies and skills which could help you or are just fun to do! Sutton high’s uniform has a white shirt, a navy blue and purple kilt, a lilac jumper and navy-blue blazer.
Whereas the P.E. uniform is navy blue with purple on the sides and we can wear a skort/short or trousers. Lunch at Sutton high is yummy with lots of options (there are always sandwiches). And it always makes me happy to eat it.
We also went to PGL which was an amazing and exiting experience with lots of activities like giant swing, trapeze, archery and rock climbing. The Giant swing was a wonderful experience; you got strapped to a pole/log and went high up.
We also had house competitions like house stem and house fashion. In house fashion we make new outfits out of old or unwanted clothes.
Sutton high is an amazing school, and we get to express ourselves by wearing a skort or trousers and we get to choose which clubs we go to. I am so happy to go to Sutton High

So far in Year seven, I have had an amazing, welcoming experience. On my first day, our form tutor let us all get to know each other and play some fun games to introduce ourselves. I thought that it was a lovely way to meet my classmates and find out what I had in common with others-which turned out to be quite a lot!
I love drama and near the start of the year we put on a year seven production for the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We practiced a small extract beforehand and performed it in the audition. I was so happy because I got the role of the witch! It was an incredible experience and one I will never forget. I made new friends, and I feel like it has massively improved my acting.
One of the perks of Sutton High, I feel, is the variation in clubs and extracurricular activities that you can get involved in. I have taken part in things like creative writing club to dance and netball. There is a club for every passion you may have! Dance club was another activity that was great fun, and I would recommend it to everyone. You do not need to be good at dance, all you need is the energy to take part! I went for a duet with one of my friends to Jumpin’ Jumpin’ by Destiny’s child. It was fun, and I made many great memories.
Also, we have recently been on PGL to Osmington Bay in Dorset for three days. It was amazing, even though it was freezing! We were set on a cliff by the sea, and there was a massive range of activities. You are not forced into anything, but I recommend doing all the activities because they’re so fun! Our dorms were random and so were our activity groups, but I made loads of friends, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Every week, we have an hour of Kaleidescope. This is a session that is outside of the usual curriculum, and it is a chance for you to have a go at some interesting activities such as taekwondo and food tech. We have a specialist in for taekwondo who makes the lessons fun and engaging, and they’re good practice for real life situations.
I love Sutton High School, and I could not be happier that I came here. It’s a friendly environment filled with so many friendly people. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Holly J
This year so far in Year 7 has been excellent as I love seeing teachers and friends every day.
At the start of the year, I made new friends, and they are still my friends now. I have amazing memories of the Year 7 sleepover on the second day, I didn’t know many people, but I made new friends from the sleepover and my favorite bit was watching the movie (Encanto) and everybody chanting away to all of the songs.
I have been on the residential trip, which was PGL, it was so much fun as we got to try new activities and in my group at PGL, there were people I never thought I would talk and hang out with, but now I do. My favorite activity at PGL was the giant swing, it was scary but so much fun at the same time.
Also, another event was House STEM which was a lot of fun as we got to do problem solving and spend time in our houses and in House STEM, I loved making the paper airplanes and seeing how far it flew and mine flew the furthest.
Another house event was house dance which was a lot of fun as we got to learn choreography and dance to the music in front of the whole of Senior School.
I am looking forward to sports day as you get to take part in a range of activities.