
Uniform Rules
Our school uniform allows students to feel part of the school community. All students will be expected to wear the correct uniform at all times, including travelling to and from School.
However, our Uniform Policy enables some individual choice and expression of individuality, through hair, make up, choice of trouser/skirt/dress items and choice of PE kit etc.
All pupils must wear a blazer every day – this is the only piece of fully compulsory uniform and must be worn over any other uniform selection.
Pupils can select the following combinations of school uniform:
Tartan Dress with blazer
Tartan Skirt, white revere collar shirt and blazer
Navy trousers (Stevensons style only), white shirt and blazer
The lilac jumper can be worn over the white shirt or over the dress, with a blazer.
The hoody can be worn over the white shirt or over the dress, with a blazer. The blazer must be worn every day, over the hoody/jumper/shirt/dress.
A coat may only be worn over the school blazer – a coat cannot be worn in place of a school blazer. Coats should be plain and dark in colour. NB. The hoody is purchased from school.
Pupils can select the following combinations of school Sports Kit:
House Polo Shirt with skort
House Polo Shirt with shorts
House Polo Shirt with tracksuit trousers
House Polo Shirt with tapered jogging bottoms
House Polo Shirt with plain, unbranded black or navy sports leggings
The Sutton High School Zip-up Sports Jumper may be worn over any of the above. No other outer layer is permitted. The school uniform hoody cannot be worn for sport/games/PE. It is not permitted to wear any other jogging bottoms/tracksuit items – only the Stevensons kit, with the SHS logo, can be worn.
Pupils must wear their school uniform blazer over their PE Kit when in non-sport lessons.
Discreet jewellery may be worn. All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons, to comply with health and safety requirements. Valuables are worn at own risk.
Hair that is longer than shoulder-length must be tied up at all times, for health and safety reasons. Our school has adopted the Halo Code. Further information can be found here
Make-up may be worn and plain nail varnish in any colour is permitted. False nails and false eye lashes are not permitted.