On Thursday 25th April, the whole of years 7 and 8 took part in the UKJMC. Around 700,000 students in the UK took part in this years challenge. The challenge consists of 25 multi choice questions designed to develop mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency, all without the use of a calculator!
I am delighted to share with you that 56.25% of Sutton High Students were awarded a bronze, silver or gold certificate. Ten of our students have been invited to take part in follow on rounds. Nine will be competing in the Junior Maths Kangaroo and one student has been invited to compete in the Junior Maths Olympiad – only 1200 students out of 700,000 are selected for this competition so YukYung in year 8 has done exceptionally well.
In assembly this week the students selected to participate in the follow-on rounds were presented with their invitations – we look forward to hearing how they get on when they compete on Tuesday 11th June. Congratulations to all our students who took part – we are very proud of you all.