Structure of the school day

8.25amRegistration in Lesson 1
8.30 – 9.10Lesson 1
9.10 – 9.50Lesson 2
9.50 – 10.30Lesson 3
10.30 -10.50Break
10.50 – 11.30Lesson 4
11.30 – 11.50Form Time/Assembly
11.50 – 12.30Lesson 5
12.30 – 1.10Lesson 6
1.10 -2.15Lunchtime
2.15 -2.55Registration and Lesson 7
2.55 – 3.35Lesson 8

Attendance and Punctuality 

You are expected to be prompt for registration in your first lesson of the day, which is at 8.25am.  If you are late, i.e. you arrive in school after 8.25am, you must follow the late procedure, as soon as you arrive.  If you fail to do this, the school will assume you are absent.  Lateness without reasonable cause will be deemed to be an unauthorised absence. Lateness after 9.30am will be deemed as an absence and will require a note of explanation from a parent or guardian.

Beyond the Curriculum

Co-Curricular, Trips and Calendar

Co-curricular, sports fixtures, one-to-one lessons and the whole-school calendar for Sutton High School pupils and parents are now all managed through SOCS, which was previously only used for Sports.

Please use the link here to access the login page. Pupils use their school login details, as part of a single-sign-on process. Parents activate accounts using the email address provided to the school on registration. Within SOCS, pupils will sign-up for their clubs, have their academic timetable available, any fixtures they’ve been selected for, and any one-to-one lessons (such as Music lessons). Parents can also see this information and will have links to the whole-school calendar, which can provide a subscription service to any home calendars that families may use.

For more information about the kinds of activities we offer, please follow the link to our ‘Beyond the Classroom’ page.

Requests for leave of absence, or notification of absence must be via the Attendance Officers who can be contacted on:

Attendance Officer: Senior School

Years 7 -13

 0208 225 3061

Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594