Spanish (Year 7)

What will you study?
- Autumn
- Greetings and introductions
- Numbers 1-31
- Alphabet
- Family
- Festivals
- Dates and birthdays
- Pets
- Describing yourself
- School – School subjects/timetable/telling the time/giving opinions
- Short stories
- Technology
Useful tips and resources
Watch a programme with Spanish audio/Spanish subtitles
Listen to Spanish music
Make mindmaps/flashcards to revise key vocabulary
Practise speaking with a friend or family member
CGP KS3 Spanish revision book
Pupils will be given login details for each of the websites as necessary
Quizlet – To practice vocabulary
Linguascope – To practice key vocabulary
Language Nut – Each student will get their own login info
Language Gym – To practice language and grammar
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
Take part in the GDST MFL Festival- once a year
Submit entries for Anthea Bell and Stephen Spender prize
Library has short stories to broaden vocabulary knowledge in Spanish
Visit the Instituto Cervantes London – they run cultural events
Little Red Languages for short animated stories. Login provided.
Watch films/programmes/listen to Spanish radio
Take part in Languages Cabaret evening – Spring term
Join the Linguazine magazine club – Happens every term
Enter the Spanish competition – Once a year
Library has short stories to broaden vocabulary knowledge in Spanish
Keep up to date with current affairs in Spanish
Keep up to date with current affairs in Spanish
Take a trip to a Spanish speaking country – For work experience abroad
See a play/musical performance in Spanish at a theatre in London