Why us?

We will run any subject, regardless of class size
Even if just one student wishes to pursue one of our A Level courses, we will run it. There is no minimum class size to run a subject. Small forms and classes mean that we can deliver an entirely bespoke Sixth Form experience, with personalised teaching, individual support and opportunities for everyone.

We provide platinum standard award-winning university and careers guidance
Our university and careers advice service is lead by Mrs Lenaghan and offers intensive, one-to-one guidance to girls throughout the Sixth Form. We are proud to have been the first independent school in the country to achieve the prestigious Platinum Career Mark. Our in-house guidance service offers intensive, one-to-one UCAS support all the way from application to acceptance. We send our girls to the top universities on the best courses.

We have a stunning, spacious and self-contained Sixth Form Centre
Currently in Suffolk House and we will be delighted to unveil our new state-of-the-art Sixth Form Building due for completion in 2024.
The Sixth Form Centre is your home-from-home. It has specialist seminar rooms, a comfy common room, an art studio, a languages laboratory, a kitchen, a gym and a dedicated study space with incredible views over London, not to mention the recently added Wellbeing Room and Design Space, exclusively for use by our Sixth Form girls.

We deliver an extensive enrichment programme
You will have access to a vast range of leadership roles, inspirational speakers, trips and life-skills workshops, helping you to live your best life at school and preparing you for the world beyond.

We support you with exceptional pastoral care
The Sixth Form at Sutton High is a strong community. Together, we make sure your mental health comes first, and help you chart your own course.

We give you access to a powerful alumnae network
Through the GDST family, we can connect you to 70,000 professional women offering help, advice and work experience placement.

Free to be you
A Sutton High Sixth Former is not just one type and our Sixth Form is not ‘one size fits all’. You will receive individual, tailored teaching and support, and have the freedom to pursue the subjects that suit you.