A Sixth Form that gets you

Welcome to our Sixth Form Family.
We know there’s plenty to think about when you’re choosing a Sixth Form to help you take your first steps into the outside world. There is a lot of choice and some exciting decisions to be made. What makes us different?
One size does not fit all
Our Sixth Form is big enough to offer you a fantastic range of opportunities and small enough to make sure you receive bespoke and tailored support at the most important time in your school career. Tutor groups are no bigger than 14 and include a range of Year 12 and 13 girls. You will meet regularly with your Form Tutor and the Assistant Head: Sixth Form so that you always have the support you need to succeed. We also have a Wellbeing Service, including mental health first aiders, Welfare Officers, several counsellors and an emotional literacy assistant.
Our Sixth Form is an inclusive and welcoming place, and girls build friendships to last them a lifetime. Our award-winning careers service was the first one in the country to be awarded the Platinum Careers Mark, a quality award which fully incorporates the Gatsby Benchmarks.*
We’re here to help you to secure the right University Place or apprenticeship and we will guide you every step of the way. Dedicated Oxbridge and Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary schemes are on offer. Each year, our students are successful in gaining top university places, but our real focus is finding the right destination for every girl, so that you leave us happy and fully confident in their next steps.
All of our students have a bespoke experience, with a personalised curriculum, one-to-one UCAS support and access to incredible enrichment opportunities.
The curriculum is personalised, exciting and unique. Our timetable is built around what you want to study. No option blocks and no restriction on numbers. We guarantee to run any subject on offer, even if it’s just you who wants to study it!
Many girls who join us far exceed the results they are expected to achieve after their GCSEs, and their accomplishments come as no surprise to us. This is because our value-added scores are exceptionally high year after year. This is the actual difference a school makes to the attainment of students between two stages of their education, and we are proud of our statistics for boosting girls’ grades.
You will feel enabled and confident in taking ownership of your learning, with expert guidance so that you can make informed choices.
You will be well-equipped with the life-skills to prepare you for your future beyond education and you will leave us feeling ready for forever, whatever the future may be.