Sixth Form and Careers – Year 11

Sixth Form Transition and Scholarships
All of our pupils are guaranteed a place in our Sixth Form, and we hold an evening for Year 11 pupils in November (see Key Dates) to introduce our Sixth Form and to outline your ‘A Level’ choices. Pupils who already hold a scholarship will maintain those into Year 12 and 13, without needing to re-apply.
You can apply for Sixth Form Academic Scholarships (you will sit examinations for these in December) or in Drama, Art, Music, Sport, Photography or Design Technology. The selection process for these awards runs in November and all offers are made before Christmas. The deadline to accept a Scholarship place in the start of January.
A Level Guidance
Year 11 is an important time for making choices about your ’A Level’ subjects. You will receive a detailed Subject Guide in November, when you attend the Sixth Form Open Event (which also includes the A Level Options Evening). At this event, you will hear a presentation about your choices and then you can speak to the Heads of Department and pupils from each subject, to help you decide which subjects you would like to select.
You will also have a one-to-one guidance meeting with Mrs Lenaghan, our Head of Careers, with a member of Pastoral staff.
You will finalise your A Level choices by February. All pupils take 3 or 4 A Levels (or start on 5 if taking Further Mathematics), and these are open choices (there is no blocking structure).
Don’t worry about this process – you will receive lots of help and guidance and all subjects are considered equal at Sutton High School. We will timetable around your choices to ensure that you get your four chosen subjects.
Careers and Work Experience
All Year 11 pupils will be invited to a Post-18 Evening, where you will explore your Higher Education options. You will also take the Morrisby Test this year, which will outline your career strengths, and will be followed-up with a one-to-one meeting with a Morrisby advisor.
You will also have Work Experience this year, in the first week of July, and more information will be sent to you nearer the time.