Why us?

We know there’s a lot to think about when you’re choosing a school for your daughter. What sets Sutton High School apart?

We achieve outstanding examination results
Year after year, girls are rewarded with fantastic GCSE and A Level examination results. They secure places on prestigious courses at the top universities.

We are known for exceptional pastoral care
Our girls do better because they feel better. We have an unrelenting focus on good mental health and emotional resilience, and our students are kind, confident and happy.

Our average class size is 20
With a maximum class size of 24, teachers at our school have the time to know and celebrate every girl, every day. We offer a personalised curriculum, individual support and opportunities for all our students to shine.

We offer state-of-the-art facilities and incredible opportunities
From our new sports astro to our performing arts venue, from the Galapagos Islands to the Alps, and from taekwondo to robotics

We are based on a green and spacious 6 acre site
Girls have room to think, run and breathe. When they are not in clubs, students spend breaktimes relaxing on the field, reading on the benches or walking in the grounds.

We have an award-winning careers guidance service
Starting in Year 7, we provide all girls with an extensive programme of in-house, one-to-one careers guidance. We were the first independent school in the country to be awarded the Platinum Career Mark and we are the Independent School of the Year for our Student Careers Programme

Girls at Sutton High School learn with joy
Most of all, we are proud to have girls here who love their school, learn with joy and want each other to succeed.
Come and see for yourself
We hold Open Events throughout the year so you can meet our girls, hear from the Head and ask any questions you want. It’s the best way to find out what makes us different.
Book your place