Pastoral care

Our girls do better because they feel better. We are proud to be known for the exceptionally high standard of our pastoral care, and to have happy, friendly students who genuinely want each other to succeed.
All our girls are respected, recognised for who they are and guided to find a place of belonging within our strong school community.

Small enough to know and celebrate every girl
We are experts in girls education and with an average class size of 20, we are small enough for every teacher to know and celebrate every girl. Every Form group has both a Tutor and a Co-Tutor to enable the utmost support. Form Tutors are supported by highly experienced Heads of Year, a Welfare Officer and our in-house School Counsellor, all led by our Deputy Head for Pastoral Care. We know and understand the importance of the teenage years and we are here every step of the way to help girls flourish and grow. Each of our senior students has a guidance tutorial every two weeks, with a focus on both academic success and pastoral support, to enable her to be the best she can be.

Thriving house system
Our thriving and well-established house system empowers students to mix and socialise with girls from right across the age range. House activities are an important part of everyday school life and we encourage healthy competition in events such as debating, drama, chess, swimming, music, baking, netball and hockey.

Building emotional resilience
Our CHIME (Confident, Happy, Independent, Me) lessons are taught in Year 7 and focus on identity and individuality. Girls are taught to value difference and to explore debating, philosophy, problem-solving and entrepreneurship. These lessons are taught by our Head and Deputy Heads, so that they quickly get to know students, right from day one.
Pupils in Years 7 to 11 also have lessons in Personal and Social Responsibility led by a specialist teacher, covering areas such as mental wellbeing, justice, relationships and sexual health, money management and alcohol awareness. This unique subject is highly popular with students and is coupled with our enrichment projects, to build girls’ emotional literacy and resilience.
“The girls smile and laugh. That warmth is something you want to be around. It is happiness and security.”