A day in the life

Hello, I’m Mimi, and I am in Year 8. I joined from another school last year but I felt completely at home straight away.
The teachers and girls are so friendly, and they give you the confidence to try new things. Last summer I sang at Disneyland Paris on our music tour, and there are clubs and activities for everyone! I know you will love it here as much as me.

It’s easy to get to school on the train from where I live in Wimbledon – it takes less than 20 minutes. Some of my friends get the Sutton High minibus, which picks them up near their house and brings them straight to school, or the public bus stop is just outside the gates.

School is open from 7:30am, and there are always lots of my friends around. Before lessons we go to the library to read or use the computers. Then it’s Maths Masters Club, where we are given fun puzzles and problems to solve.

My Form Tutor sees me every day and I can always talk to her about any problems I’m having. We also have a Co-Tutor, so that we have regular tutorials to support with our work and how we are feeling. There are 20 girls in my form and we get on really well. On some days we have tutorials, or do an activity in form time like reading, while on other days we join the rest of the school for assembly.

It’s Science for my first lesson of the day and so it’s off to our amazing labs in the STEAM Building. I love Science because we get to do lots of experiments ourselves, there is always new equipment to try and you see it all happening with your own eyes!

Then it’s off to History. Our teacher always encourages us to have our own opinions and to share our views with the rest of the class. Today we have gone to one of the computer rooms to do some research about the causes of the English Civil War.

At break time my friends and I like to go outside and relax. The school grounds are really nice, with lots of trees and flowers, which look amazing in summer. We sit and chat, read a book or run around on the field if we’re feeling energetic.

Lunch is the best meal of the day for me. Our Dining Room has loads of choice and today it’s chicken with sweet potato chips. Other days I fancy a salad, a jacket potato, some pasta or the soup of the day. It’s delicious and always so tough to decide!

Then it’s piano with my amazing teacher who visits the school a few times a week. I am practising a piece for the end of term concert at the moment. It’s scary playing in front of a big audience in the Lees Hall, but it feels incredible afterwards. I am in the school choir too.

In Computer Science I’m learning to code using a programme in our lab that controls some traffic lights. It’s so satisfying when I get it to work! I find computing really exciting, so I also go to Coding Club after school on Mondays.

It’s Wednesday afternoon and that means it’s Kaleidoscope, where we get to choose activities we have never tried before. Last term I did Ancient Greek but I am starting fencing today. Me and my friends can’t wait. We have been talking about it for weeks!

After school, we can stay and do homework until 6:30pm, or go to a club. I do something different every night and today it’s netball. I’m in the B team and get to play quite a lot of fixtures. We have five netball courts here and in the summer I also do athletics.