Senior School Uniform

Our school uniform allows students to feel part of the school community. All students will be expected to wear the correct uniform at all times, including travelling to and from School.
However, our Uniform Policy enables some individual choice and expression of individuality, through hair, make up, choice of trouser/skirt/dress items and choice of PE kit etc.
PE Kit is worn to school on at least two days per week, so this should be taken into account when making uniform purchases. Please read the following notes carefully as they provide full details of the uniform requirements in School.
If you have any problems with ordering or have any concerns over what appropriate uniform is, please do not hesitate to contact the School and we will do our best to help.Our School Uniform supplier is:
The Old Spread Eagle
High Street
KT19 8DN
Tel: 01372 747474
Orders may also be placed online at their website
All items of Uniform must be clearly named