Reports and Exams

For Y7,8,9
All reports are issued electronically via SIMS Student and SIMS Parents App.
In Autumn term, the focus of the report will be approach to learning as shown through a descriptor for Courage, Truth and Joy, and a colour code for completion of homework to deadlines. This report reflects any ‘excellent’, ‘inconsistent’ or ‘missed homework’ logs that have been received by a student during the term (these logs can be viewed on the SIMS Student and SIMS Parent App).
In Spring and Summer term, the report will focus on both academic progress and approach to learning.
Year 7 Parents Evening will take place in November / Year 8 Parents Evening will take place in March / Year 9 Parents Evening will take place in November and students should attend with their parents.
Academic progress meetings will take place in June and provide an opportunity for parents and students to meet with the teacher in any subject where the student is not yet working at the expected standard compared to their individual target.
For Y10 and Y12
All reports are issued electronically via SIMS Student and SIMS Parents App.
In Autumn term, the focus of the report will be approach to learning as shown through a descriptor for Courage, Truth and Joy, and a colour code for completion of homework to deadlines. This report reflects any ‘excellent’, ‘inconsistent’ or ‘missed homework’ logs that have been received by a student during the term (these logs can be viewed on the SIMS Student and SIMS Parent App).
In Spring and Summer term, the report will focus on both academic progress and approach to learning. In Spring term, academic progress will be measured via key assessments and in Summer term, academic progress will be measured via examinations.
Academic progress meetings will take place in February and provide an opportunity for parents and students to meet with the teacher in any subject where the student is not yet working at the expected standard compared to their individual target.
Parents Evening will take place in June and provides an opportunity for parents to meet with all subject teachers. Students should attend with their parents.
For Y11 and Y13
All reports are issued electronically via SIMS Student and SIMS Parents App.
In Autumn and Spring term, reports will focus on both academic progress and approach to learning. In Autumn term, academic progress will be measured via key assessments and in Spring term, academic progress will be measured via mock examinations.
Academic progress meetings will take place in December and provide an opportunity for parents and students to meet with the teacher in any subject where the student is not yet working at the expected standard compared to their individual target.
Parents Evening will take place in the first half of Spring term and provides an opportunity for parents to meet with all subject teachers. Students should attend with their parents.
Exams take place in May and are in Maths, English and Science.
Exams take place in May and are in Maths, English, Science, Languages, Latin, Humanities (Geography, History and RS). Students will have assessments in lessons for Drama, Art, Music, DT and Computing.
Exams take place in May and are sat in all subjects that a student has selected for GCSE, plus the core subjects of English and Maths. New subjects, such as Business, are assessed via an open book exam.
Y10 and Y12
In all subjects, key assessments take place towards the end of Autumn term (late November/early December) and examinations take place at the start of Summer term (April).
Y11 and Y13
In all subjects, key assessments take place at the start of the second half of Autumn term (early November) and mock examinations take place after Spring half term (February).