Psychology (Year 12)

Exam Board
What will you study?
– Approaches in Psychology
– Psychopathology
– Research Methods
– Research Methods
– Social Influence
– Attachment
– Memory
Useful tips and resources
– There are extended writing / essay questions worth 8 marks and 16 marks
– Psychology is scientific with the study of the brain; structure of the brain and function of different parts, nervous system, neurons, synaptic transmission etc. There are also detailed biological explanations and treatments for disorders and a biopsychology topic
– Psychology is heavily based on research methods which means learning about how experiments are designed and conducted, designing experiments, understanding the features of science
– The key assessment objectives are knowledge, application and evaluation
– You will have end of topic tests as well as termly assessments
– You will be provided with the log-on details for the digital textbook once you start the course
Tutor2u has brilliant course notes, revision videos, games, activities
Physics and maths tutor includes past exam questions, mark schemes, tips and advice
Simply Psychology has brilliant notes that go beyond the specification, it also has articles and information about Psychology in the wider context
Psych Boost has brilliant content videos
Uplearn is a revision website that uses questioning to check knowledge
What super curricular activities can KS4 students engage with outside of school?
Some of my favourite TED Talks:
Jon Ronson
Philip Zimbardo
Eleanor Longden
Ben Goldacre
Elizabeth Loftus
Brilliant books that cover a range of topics from the specification:
– The Psychopath Test – Jon Ronson
– Hidden Valley Road – Robert Kolker
– The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat – Oliver Sacks