PSR (Year 10)

What will you study?
Emotional and Mental Health
Overcoming challenges, negative/ positive thinking patterns, understanding anxiety and depression, positive support strategies, managing grief
Staying Safe
Equality Act and protected characteristics, peer pressure and influence, healthy and unhealthy coping strategies, the law and impact around alcohol, drugs and vaping
Wellbeing: Mindfulness
Mindfulness in Schools programme .be
Wider World: Careers: CV
What is a CV, planning, drafting and writing a CV, world of work – near and far, post 16 options
Relationships and Wellbeing: RSE
Conception, pregnancy and miscarriage, adoption and abortion, intimacy and consent, managing behaviours in relationships including sexting, nudes, sexual exploitation and porn. Talk Consent Presentation
Excellent with courage: Being persistent, embrace risk and reflect on what worked, what didn’t and why. e.g not always choosing the easy option or task, adapting the way you work for success.
Excellent with truth: Collaboration and focus e.g taking the lead on group projects effectively, supporting and stretching the learning of others, being an active listener.
Excellent with joy: Being curious and using your initiative to engage fully e.g asking meaningful questions, conducting further independent research.
Useful tips and resources