Why us?

We know there’s a lot to think about when you’re choosing a school for your daughter. What sets Sutton High Prep School apart?

We are highly academic and gain exceptional 11+ results
Girls secure places and scholarships at our Senior School, other leading independent schools and local grammar schools.

We have small class sizes and a bespoke curriculum
With maximum class sizes of 24, teachers at our school have the time to get to know and celebrate every girl, every day. We offer a bespoke curriculum, which supports the needs of individual girls and enables all students to maximise their potential.

We provide outstanding, state-of-the-art facilities
Lessons and clubs take place in our indoor swimming pool, full-size sports hall, dance studio, science laboratories, DT workshop, performing arts venue and music centre.

We have specialist teachers for even the youngest girls
From Nursery upwards, girls are taught by subject specialists as part of their regular timetable. We have specialist teachers for languages, science, computing, PE, art, music and DT.

We are based on a green and spacious 6 acre site
Girls have room to think, run and breathe. Breaktimes and lunchtimes are spent playing in our garden or on our outdoor play equipment.

We support busy working parents all day, every day
Our amazing daily wraparound care is available from 7.30am until 6.30pm and we have a flexible local minibus service taking girls straight to the classroom (and back again).

Girls at Sutton High School learn with joy
Most of all, we are proud to have girls here who love their school, learn with joy and want each other to succeed.