
We are a highly academic school and we inspire girls with our challenging, exciting curriculum from Nursery to Year 6. Girls at Sutton High know what they will be doing when they come into school every single day: learning with joy.

Nursery and Reception (ages 3 – 5)
We believe that early years education should not be ‘just play’. It is vitally important to set girls up for their school journey ahead, and to give them a love of learning for life.
All our Nursery and Reception classes are taught by qualified early years teachers and teaching assistants. We provide a stimulating learning environment and challenge girls to be curious, inquisitive and independent.
Our Early Years curriculum covers seven areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Girls also have specialist teaching in French, Music and PE, and take swimming lessons in our indoor pool.

Years 1 and 2 (ages 5-7)
As they move into Year 1, we focus on giving girls the strongest possible foundations in English and Mathematics. Other subjects are taught through our bespoke connected curriculum to ensure the girls make links between subjects, develop knowledge and increase the depth of their understanding.
Alongside the class teacher and teaching assistants, girls will continue to experience lessons with subject specialists in French, Music and PE, as well as having weekly swimming lessons in our indoor pool.

Years 3 – 6 (ages 7-11)
From Year 3 onwards, girls begin to prepare for the 11+ transition by having an increasing number of lessons taught by specialist teachers, in specialist classrooms.
- Specialist teaching from Year 3: Modern Foreign Languages, Music and PE.
- Specialist teaching from Year 5: Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Latin, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, PE and Science.
Before the end of Year 6, girls secure places and scholarships at our Senior School, other leading independent schools and local grammar schools. Girls complete weekly verbal and non-verbal reasoning lessons from Year 3, but it is our all-round curriculum that ensures we achieve outstanding 11+ results year after year.
We are proud that girls from Sutton High Prep School go on to the next stage of their education with smiles on their faces, a passion for learning and all the tools they need to succeed.
“This is a rare South London school that is ambitious and gets good results, but that is not pressured. It’s one of the main reasons we moved to the area.”
Good Schools Guide parent quote