Beyond the classroom

We offer adventures, encounters and events that girls will remember forever. Our aim is to provide an immersive all-round school experience that brings joy to our students and gives them an insatiable appetite to push the boundaries and open new horizons.

Prep School girls can choose from over 50 before and after school clubs, run by both our teachers and external providers. We encourage girls to try new things and to maximise their potential in each and every activity they try. Our teams often succeed at the very highest level of competition.
Here is just a taster of the clubs on offer: Science, Mindfulness, Mandarin, Card Games, Lego, Film Appreciation, Chess, Choir, Orchestra, Speech & Drama, Outdoor Learning, Ballet, Taekwondo, Gymnastics, Swimming, Netball, Rounders, Hockey, Tennis, Athletics.

Our school calendar is packed full of trips. Each and every one is carefully selected to bring learning to life and to help our girls open their minds to the world behind school. Day trips include Greenwich Observatory, the Horniman Museum, Bay Pond, Nower Wood and Wisley Gardens.
Girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 go on residential trips, giving them real adventures that build their independence and see them soar to new heights. At Sayers Croft, Bowles and Marchants Hill respectively, girls experience a variety of exhilarating outdoor activities that help them learn the value of friendship and the importance of teamwork.
Other incredible recent trips have included a week of skiiing at the Serre Chevalier resort, where girls put the Sutton High School spirit into practice by feeling the joy of mastering a skill after hours of hard work and overcoming their fear of failure.

Productions and events
All our girls from Nursery to Year 6 have the chance to showcase their talent in music and drama at plays, productions and concerts during the year. Many of these take place in our brand new performing arts space, with its cutting-edge sound and lighting equipment and tiered seating.
We also organise an extensive programme of visiting speakers to inspire girls and give them the chance to think more deeply across a variety of topics. In 2018/19 we have had visits from the poet Valerie Bloom, the Salvation Army and Childnet, who delivered a talk about staying safe online.
As part of the Girls’ Day School Trust, we run trips for our girls to network-wide events such as the Mathematics Conference at the University of Oxford and the Science Conference at the Royal Institution.
“Sutton High School is an amazing place with opportunities around every corner. I started gymnastics while I was here, which I now adore, and I have also started learning the oboe and performing in plays. I feel so much more confident trying new things now.”
Year 6 girl