A day in the life

Hello, my name is Lily, I am in Year 3. I have been at Sutton High Prep School since Nursery. I know all about the school, especially as I have got a big sister in Senior School.

Breakfast Fun
This morning, I am having my breakfast at school in Explorers (our wraparound care) from 7:30am. At 8am I skip up to the playground, passing the flower beds and our big green field. On my way I can see the Year 5 girls on the netball courts, shooting a goal at their early morning netball practice.

The bell rings at 8:25am. I line up in the playground and gaze at our sparkling bird mosaics on the wall. I can remember working with every girl in the school and an artist to create it, magical.

Assembly Adventures
I so enjoy our assemblies, they are different each day. Sometimes I learn about our Prep Superpowers such as resilience or empathy. On other days, I find out about raising money for our House charities and on a Friday it is class assembly time. This is so special as it is when our parents hear our learning journey presentations.

Becoming an Author
Time flies and it is already 9am and we have become readers and authors in our English lesson. I discuss vocabulary, answer comprehension texts and write my own creative thoughts. We are already debating which World Book Day characters we will transform ourselves into…and who will be the surprise guest author.

Kindness Bench and Chat
Soon it is 10:10am and we hop down the stairs to break. My friend and I act out our English prose on the stage and scurry around to see if we need to scoop anyone off the kindness bench to play with us. We haul ourselves up to the top of the climbing frame and look out across the school vista.

Mathematical Challenges
10:30am and with our politeness on display as manners matter, we return to class to become mathematicians. This stretches my amazing elastic brain. I don’t worry about mistakes when I try a challenge question as I know I just can’t do it…yet! I will follow the strategies to help me learn, we have such kind teachers.

We Are Scientists
11:10am: Today we are scientists, so much fun. I’m looking forward to Science week when the Royal Institute comes in to inspire our scientific minds. My parents can even go to a presentation just for Prep School parents at the Learning Review before half term. I can’t wait until I’m in Year 5 and I go to the Senior School Science laboratory for my lessons.

What’s for Lunch?
12:30pm lunch time, hooray! The best thing about our lunch is that we have so much choice and we have so much help from our lunchtime supervisors and catering team. There are even theme days. On my way back to class I meet Buddy our school dog.

Brains Matter
At 1:10am we have Brains Matter, this means we learn about our amazing elastic brain and how it works. We also stretch our brain in lessons such as Philosophy4Children, Debating, or Art appreciation. On a Friday we have Big Sisters, Little Sisters where I get to meet up or write to my Year 6 buddy. develop our memory skills or learn all about puzzles in non-verbal reasoning.

Let’s Dance
At 1:50pm I run outside for break and I am so excited because it is Street Dance today and we are getting ready to perform at the Gym and Dance Display.

Discovering iPads
The bell rings at 2.20pm and I skip back to the Discovery Zone for Computing. Today, will it be iPads (I can’t wait until I get my own school one-to-one device from Year 4!), the green screen, coding or something new? We record our presentations or our gym performances and watch them back so we learn how to make them even better.

Magical Music
Our last lesson of today is Music in our Music Studio. We discover our musical talents, learning how to play the recorder and keyboard.

And so our day ends…
I check my homework diary, pack my bag and shake my teacher’s hand and scamper off to my Swimming lesson in our school pool. As I float in the pool, watching the sun sparkle on the water, I giggle with my friends and think how happy I am. Tomorrow will be another day full of adventure.