Reception has been filled with festive fun this week as the girls baked their very own Christmas cookies! It was a wonderful opportunity for the girls to practice their teamwork, creativity, and fine motor skills whilst embracing the festive season.
During their last ‘Big sister, little sister’ meetup of the year, the girls worked together to create snowmen from scrap paper. It was a lovely moment of friendship and bonding, and we are so proud of the way the girls supported one another.
The fun continued with a festive Christmas lunch. The highlight of the meal was definitely the excitement and joy as the crackers popped, revealing a crown and a wooden ornament!
Year 1 have had a very exciting last week of term. We have embraced the Christmas spirit in truly heroic style with paint, glitter, sequins, glue guns, cork reindeer and gingerbread men! We hope that you enjoy proudly displaying the moving vehicle models that are coming home!
The girls adored meeting the nativity animals and, because they have been so good, a very special visitor popped in to say a cheery, ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ All of this was washed down with a rather tasty Christmas lunch.
There are many fun and easy ways to help children understand what Christmas is really about, and why it means so much to some people. This Christmas season we have been thinking about how to bring joy to others and that giving thoughtful gifts is more important than expecting expensive gifts for ourselves – a tricky lesson!
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed meeting Mrs Claus and the festive farm animals. Here are just some of the comments from the girls.
‘I had an amazing and wonderful time at the farm meeting the donkey and the reindeer.’
‘Stroking the animals was really fun. I felt really happy! I would definitely do it again.’
‘They were very cute and soft. I am really that we got this opportunity’
‘I liked seeing the animals and the goats were my favourite.’
‘They looked very gentle’
‘I felt really excited because I had never seen a real reindeer before. I also have never had hot chocolate at school’
In other news, the year 3 girls have been working hard on their stories inspired by ‘Cinderella of the Nile’. They planned, drafted, edited and typed up their stories before sharing their creations with Reception. It was really lovely to see different Key Stages working together!
5P and 5S made some beautiful tissue paper stars using origami. As the stars can be quite tricky, Ms Jackson said she’d never seen a whole year group produce such stunning work!