Physics (Year 12)

Exam Board
What will you study?
Materials and Further mechanics: circular motion
Further mechanics: simple harmonic motion
Useful tips and resources
Past papers are vital. When using them make sure you read the mark scheme carefully.
Use each other as a resource. Ask your classmates questions and answer theirs.
Physics Online on YouTube. Videos and live streams explaining a range of topics and going through past questions
PhET. Lots of animations and virtual experiments. You will probably see some of these in class.
Isaac Physics has a range of challenging questions
What super curricular activities can KS4 students engage with outside of school?
STEM club needs helpers – every term
Check out the Physics Prep room door. We update it with a range of competitions you can enter as they are released across the year.
Physics Olympiad will take place in the Spring term
Angela Collier on YouTube, she explains physics beyond what you learn in class