Exam Board

Edexcel IGCSE

What will you study?

11A Force
11B Solids, liquids and gases
11C Waves

11C Waves (continued)
11D Astrophysics
11E Radioactivity

11F Magnetism

Useful tips and resources

We are running a spiral curriculum. Topics studied in Y9 are revisited in Y10 and will be taught again in Y11 with harder content and recapping of previously studied work.

Use your Core Questions. They are the building blocks for the whole course
Your textbook is a resource, we won’t use it in class but it has all the content with alternative explanations, diagrams and questions.
Past papers are your friend. When using them take care to look at the questions and mark scheme carefully.

Free Science Lessons on YouTube. Explains the basics simply.

Physics Online on YouTube. Videos and live streams explaining a range of topics and going through past questions

Physics and Maths Tutor is the go-to for past exam papers. But beware… you may find you can’t do some questions yet. That is to be expected with our spiral curriculum.

BBC Bitesize – Simple clear descriptions of many of the phenomena studied. No specific list for IGCSE but all the content is there.

PhET – Lots of animations and virtual experiments. You will probably see some of these in class.

Seneca – Revision and quizzes.

What super curricular activities can KS4 students engage with outside of school?

Check out the Physics Prep room door. We update it with a range of competitions you can enter as they are released across the year.

Angela Collier on YouTube, she explains physics beyond what you learn in class

Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594