Pastoral Support – Year 7

Pastoral Care and School Values
Sutton High is a really friendly place and the teachers are really approachable. You can even go and see Mrs Dawson, The Head, in her office if you’ve got an idea for the school. The thing she values most is kindness, and that means girls being kind to each other and to teachers and other staff. The teachers will also be kind to you.
Our school motto is:
With Courage, With Truth, With Joy
These values are very important in everything that happens at Sutton High. You need to have the courage to try new things and the truth to know who you are and be proud of that. We try to approach everything with joy – our lessons, and out of lessons, so that the school is a happy place to be and so that everyone
feels comfortable with who they are. Everyone here is different and we are all individuals, so as well as self-respect, we respect each other too.
This means that bullying is very rare – and if it does happen it is taken very seriously, so that it stops. You should tell a teacher straight away, if you feel that anyone is being mean. You will come to feel like you are part of the Sutton High family and that you belong here.
Care and Support
Your Form Tutor is there to support you and will be the adult you see most often at school. You can go to them if you have any worries, questions or good news to share.
Ms Manser is your Head of Year in Year 7 and you can find her in the Pastoral Hub or the Sports Department. She is there if you need to talk or if there are things out of school that might be affecting you.
Ms Clark is the Deputy Head in charge of pastoral care, and sometimes she will speak to you with Ms Manser, to give you extra support.
We also have a Welfare Officer, based in the Pastoral Hub, and you would go to see her if you are feeling unwell or perhaps need to use the Wellbeing Space.
The most important thing is that you always have someone you can turn to for help if you need it. Nobody at Sutton High should ever feel alone, so you should always speak to someone if you need support.
Ms Bhogal –
Miss Deutsch –
Mrs Lim –
Mrs Goldhawk –
Dr Johonnett –
Mrs Wood –
Mrs Mannix –
Mr Simpson –
Ms Bourne –
Mrs Lascelles –
Head of Year 7
Ms Manser –
Asst. Head of Year 7
Mrs Drewniak – Davis –
Director of Wellbeing
Ms Dixon
Deputy Head: Pastoral
Ms Clark
Other key contacts
Co-Curricular programme
Mr Essenhigh
Welfare Officers
Mrs Brown and Mrs Phillips
School minibuses