Exam Board


What will you study?

• Cardiovascular system
• Respiratory system
• Respiratory System
• Neuromuscular System
• Skill, skill continuums and transfer of skills
• Impact of skill classification on structure of practice for learning
• Principles and theories of learning and performance
• Principles and theories of learning and performance
• Use of guidance and feedback
• General information processing model system
• Pre- industrial
• Industrial and post-industrial
• Post World War II
• Sociological theory applied to equal opportunities

• The musculo-skeletal system and analysis of movement in physical activities
• Energy Systems
• Efficiency of information processing model system
• Aspects of personality
• Arousal
• Attitude
• Concepts of physical activity and sport
• Development of elite performers in sport

• Diet and nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance
• Preparation and training methods in relation to maintaining physical activity and performance
• Injury prevention and rehabilitation of injury
• Anxiety
• Aggression
• Motivation
• Achievement motivation theory
• Social Facilitation
• Ethics in sport
• Violence in Sport
• Drugs in sport

Useful tips and resources

Seneca. Simple clear descriptions
ExamPro. Practice exam questions and mark schemes

What super curricular activities can KS4 students engage with outside of school?

Link to co-curricular timetable
Bodyworks museum
Sue Anstiss Podcast
High Performance Podcast

Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594