A day in the life of Sophie

Hello and welcome to our Nursery! We’re going to tell you all about what happens in our day at Nursery and why we love it here!

What time is morning drop off?
I often go to school at 7.30am with my older sister in Senior School and taking part in morning sports clubs. My Mummy or Daddy park in the school car park, then take me to explorers, our Before School Care. The Explorers staff help me with my breakfast and I see my friends.

When does school officially start for Nursery and where do I go?
At 8am, the Explorers staff walk me over from Explorers to Fernwood House. I then play in the Nursery playground with my friends and with the Year 6 Leaders. These are girls who wanted to help out in Nursery for the year. My friends, who arrive after 8am, walk through the gate to Fernwood with their parents. The bell rings at 8.25am and I hop, skip and jump into school.

What day is Swimming, Forest School and Music?
I then organise my book bag and snack box into my very own cubby space. I skip to the carpet where we have to register and I hear about the day ahead. Swimming is on a Tuesday morning and Forest School is on a Wednesday morning.

Tell me about your morning lessons
We have lots of interesting things to do at school. We have most of our lessons in the classroom but some of our lessons are outside where we ‘Breathe the Wild Air’. We have 3 PE lessons a week, including Swimming, Gym and Dance. We have 2 Music lessons and 1 French lesson.

What is lunch like? Where do you go?
We wash our hands and then walk down to the Dining Room, which is lovely. We are the first class to go and have our very own table and place to sit at. Our lovely lunchtime supervisors know the foods we like and encourage us to try new foods. They also know what we can and can’t eat, to keep us safe. After lunch, we walk up, hand in hand to the Nursery playground.

Tell me more about afternoon lessons
After our lunch break, we have more lessons. We learn Nursery Rhymes, learn how to read and write, learn how to count and use numbers. We have visitors who teach us about our school and our local area. We even learn about our Brains and how we can learn new things.