Music (Year 9)

What will you study?
The Blues
• History of the Blues
• The 12-bar Blues & Blues scale
• Blues song composition
Film Music
• Creating moods
• Leitmotifs
• TV Theme Tunes
• Composing music to accompany a film clip
• Set work analysis
• Complete Film Music
• Song-writing techniques
• Preparing for GCSE (for those opting for GCSE)
Useful tips and resources
• Explore as much music as possible through performing music, listening to music & experimenting with composing music
• There are many books on different types of music and music-making in the school library
• There are many resources on the SHS Music Resources Team on MS Teams
• There are numerous places online to explore different styles of music including Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music etc
• Wider listening / reading around the topics studied in lessons will enhance understanding – books, magazines, listening to the radio / podcasts, attending concerts, exploring the web will all be beneficial
• Aim to get involved in the co-curricular musical life of the school – there are a wide range of musical activities including choirs, orchestra, rock bands, various ensembles, music theatre etc – see the school ‘Co-curricular booklet’ for further details
• Consider taking up a musical instrument / having singing lessons – we have a number of visiting music teachers
• If you already play an instrument, keep going!
• Aim to attend / take part in some of the concerts, formal and informal, that take place throughout the school year (there is at least one concert every half term)
• Many students learn an instrument / have singing lessons outside school
• There are all sorts of musical ensembles that you can join outside school including bands, orchestras, church choirs etc
• If you play an instrument / have singing lessons, you may want to consider taking part in the activities organised by the local borough that you live in; e.g. the Merton Music Foundation or Sutton Music Trust
• Consider going to live concerts – there are many options in London such as the South Bank Centre, which features concerts of many different styles of music including free events and events that you can take part in
• The BBC Proms takes place every summer in The Albert Hall – all the concerts are on BBC Radio 3 and some are televised (or you could go and see the music live)
• Explore different styles of music on places like Spotify and YouTube
• During Year 9, you will be given access to an online music sequencer called Soundtrap (and if you have a Mac, you will have very similar software called Garageband). Experiment with creating your own music / remixing other people’s music