Music (Year 11)

Exam Board
What will you study?
• Set work 4 analysis: Star Wars
• Set work 5 analysis: Music for a while
• Set work 6 analysis: Killer Queen
• Wider listening
• Aural dictation
• Complete set work 6
• Set work 7 analysis: Release
• Set work 8 analysis: Samba Em Preludio
• Wider listening
• Aural dictation
Useful tips and resources
• Wider listening / reading around the musical styles being studied is essential to gain a better understanding of the pieces being explored
• Composition can be daunting for some people – spending time improvising on your instrument / voice / Music technology can be a great way to develop your skills and creativity
• Take every opportunity to go to concerts (of all sorts of music)
• Coursework (performing & composing) forms 60% of your total examination mark. In order to give yourself the best chance to do well, make sure you stay on top of your work, practising your performance pieces regularly and ensuring that composition time is built into each week
• There are many resources on the SHS Music Resources Team on MS Teams
• There are numerous places online to explore different styles of music including Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music etc
• Wider listening / reading around the topics studied in lessons will enhance understanding – books, magazines, listening to the radio / podcasts, attending concerts, exploring the web will all be beneficial
• Develop aural skills using Auralia – 10 mins, 3 times a week would be very beneficial
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
• Aim to get involved in the co-curricular musical life of the school – there are a wide range of musical activities including choirs, orchestra, rock bands, various ensembles, music theatre etc – see the school ‘Co-curricular booklet’ for further details
• Aim to attend / take part in some of the concerts, formal and informal, that take place throughout the school year (there is at least one concert every half term)
• There are all sorts of musical ensembles that you can join outside school including bands, orchestras, church choirs etc
• If you play an instrument / have singing lessons, you may want to consider taking part in the activities organised by the local borough that you live in; e.g. the Merton Music Foundation or Sutton Music Trust
• Listen and read around your set works (e.g. when you are studying ‘Defying Gravity’, aim to listen to other songs from Wicked and from other musicals. Try to think about the ways that other pieces are similar / different) – YouTube is a great place to start
• Consider going to live concerts – there are many options in London such as the South Bank Centre, which features concerts of many different styles of music including free events and events that you can take part in
• The BBC Proms takes place every summer in The Albert Hall – all the concerts are on BBC Radio 3 and some are televised (or you could go and see the music live)
• Explore different styles of music on places like Spotify and YouTube
• Experiment with creating your own music / remixing other people’s music