Lesson Expectations

Pupils are expected to bring the following to school every day:
A fully charged laptop and charger and headphones – available in every lesson
Pencil, Pen (blue ink and black ink, any style), Glue stick, Scissors, Ruler, Colouring pencils
For Maths: Protractor, pair of compasses, Calculator
Reading book
Textbooks, class reading books, exercise books as needed for each lesson
If you are unprepared for a lesson, your teacher will log that you have missing equipment and this will count as an ‘inconsistent’ approach to your learning.
Approach to Learning
All pupils are expected to show effort, approach learning with focus and undertake all tasks set by the teacher. Pupils must not disrupt the learning of others.
The following are not acceptable and would result in an ‘inconsistent’ mark being logged:
calling out
persistent talking
minimum effort or not attempting a task (with support as required)
Interrupting the teacher
Any behaviour which is considered rudeness to the teacher, or disrupts the learning of others, would result in a detention or more significant sanction.
Lesson Attendance – Truanting
All pupils are expected to attend all lessons, Tutor Time and assemblies. If you are unable to attend, you should go straight to the Pastoral Hub and see a member of pastoral staff. Any pupil who is not in lesson/assembly and is not in the Pastoral Hub will be considered to be truanting and a Head’s Detention will be given.
Rewards and Recognition
It is important that we are able to recognise and appreciate your achievements, and you will reflect on these at the end of year Celebration Day, when you present to your Form Group and parents. ‘Excellents’ are awarded when you show an approach beyond what is expected in the three learning attributes of Courage, Truth and Joy, both in and out of lessons. Head’s Recognition Certificates are sent home for significant achievements or showing of our core values.
These, other achievements in subject areas, and achievements in life beyond the classroom are celebrated in Achievement Assemblies which are held regularly throughout the academic year.