History (Year 7)

What will you study?
Autumn term:
The Norman Conquest
A. How much did the Normans change Anglo-Saxon England?
B. Matilda: too female to rule?
Spring term:
How successful was resistance to the English medieval King?
A. Which Plantagenet Problem was the biggest? Church, Barons or Peasants?
What was life really like in the Middle Ages?
A. Was the Black Death a disaster? A. Source Enquiry. Were all medieval lives
“nasty, brutish and short”?
Summer term:
The Crusades: for God or gold?
The Kingdom of Benin: How much can the sources teach us?
Useful tips and resources
Visit historic sites – make the most of being able to enjoy being outside!
For instance… Battle (the appropriately named site of the Battle of Hastings), the
Tower of London, Canterbury Cathedral, any medieval castle! You may find you have an appropriate medieval site even closer to your home.
Read E.H. Gombrich, A Little History of the World
A great read to provide an overview of the historical narrative written in an engaging way, but meatier than Horrible Histories (as great as they are!)
Excellent BBC guides for most of our topics
Excellent trusted resource for detailed overviews of topics
Excellent Trust-subscription for more challenging extension articles
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
History Mysteries – Summer term
Every year the History department runs a ‘History Summer Challenge’ – this will be shared with the girls for each KS3 year group and is our full list of suggestions.