History (Year 10)

Exam Board
CIE (Cambridge iGCSE)
What will you study?
Autumn Term:
Core study: 20 Century International Relations since 1919
Treaty of Versailles – Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?
League of Nations – To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
Appeasement and Road to War – Appeasement and the Road to War – Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?
Spring Term:
Depth Study: GERMANY, 1918–45
Weimar Germany – Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?
Rise of the Nazis – Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
Control of the Nazis – How effectively did the Nazis control Germany 1933 – 1945?
Summer Term:
– Life in Nazi Germany – What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?
– Coursework – Assess the significance of Kristallnacht
Useful tips and resources
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History Workbook 1 – Core content Option B:
The 20th century: International Relations since 1919 – Benjamin Harrison &
Ben Walsh
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History Workbook 2B – Depth study: Germany,
1918–45 – Benjamin Harrison
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History Study and Revision Guide – Benjamin
Model United Nations – runs fortnightly through the year
Imperial War Museum (London)