Exam Board

CIE (Cambridge iGCSE)

What will you study?

Autumn Term:
Core study: 20 Century International Relations since 1919
Treaty of Versailles – Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?
League of Nations – To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
Appeasement and Road to War – Appeasement and the Road to War – Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?

Spring Term:
Depth Study: GERMANY, 1918–45
Weimar Germany – Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?
Rise of the Nazis – Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
Control of the Nazis – How effectively did the Nazis control Germany 1933 – 1945?

Summer Term:
– Life in Nazi Germany – What was it like to live in Nazi Germany?
– Coursework – Assess the significance of Kristallnacht

Useful tips and resources

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History Workbook 1 – Core content Option B:
The 20th century: International Relations since 1919 – Benjamin Harrison &
Ben Walsh

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History Workbook 2B – Depth study: Germany,
1918–45 – Benjamin Harrison

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level History Study and Revision Guide – Benjamin

Model United Nations – runs fortnightly through the year

History Today

Imperial War Museum (London)


Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594