GCSE Procedures – Year 11

Pre-GCSE Revision Sessions May/June
Research has reflected that the final weeks leading up to your GCSE examinations (which will start in the first week of May and continue throughout May and June) are crucial for success.
At Sutton High, we do not have a ‘Study Leave’ as such, because we expect you to be in lessons for each subject, right up to the final examination in the subject. This allows your teachers to focus your revision exactly where they feel it is needed in these critical final weeks.
For many pupils, the length of study leave, with reduced social contact, reduced access to your teachers and unstructured revision is problematic, and in our experience, pupils who have maintained their regular school routine by attending revision lessons, led by their teachers, in the lead-up to their exams, experience higher levels of well being throughout the examination period and this in turn impacts on outcomes.
Structured and supervised revision is therefore on offer to our year 11 pupils, up to the date of their final examinations, and it is our strong recommendation that you should attend these lessons, to revise with your teachers present, in a supported manner.
GCSE Timetables and Procedures
The final timetables for GCSE examinations are usually finalised by the Exam Boards in February, and you will be given a personalised examination timetable, along with information about examination procedures and regulations in March. We also hold an examination briefing for Parents and Pupils in the Summer Term, prior to the start of the examinations. This information will also be emailed to pupils in March.
Help with Examinations
Our Examinations Officer is Mrs Bowry, who can be emailed on l.bowry@sut.gdst.net and can be found in the Data Office, on the ground floor of the main building. You can speak with her at any time regarding examination questions.