French (Year 12)

Exam Board
What will you study?
All topics look at France and the Francophone world:
Changing trends of family life
The use of technology and its dangers and possible future developments
All topics look at France and the Francophone world:
Volunteering, charities and the benefits
Cultural heritage including preservation, types and its link with tourism
Francophone music, listening trends, genres and the importance of music and the safeguarding of this
The 7th Art – cinema, aspects, history and popularity of French film and festivals
Introduction to:
– the chosen French film
– the chosen French book
– their IRP – Individual Research Project
Listen to French music and the radio
Listen to podcasts in the target language
Watch French speaking TV series/films on Netflix
Pupils will be given login details for the websites if necessary:
Quizlet – to practise vocabulary
Languages Online – to practise grammar and topics
Language Gym – to practise language and grammar
News in slow French – French news channel for listening practise and increasing vocabulary
TV5 – for a variety of programmes/films in French for listening practise and increasing vocabulary
1 Jour – for listening about current topics
Useful tips and resources
Language immersion
Listening to French music
Watch French speaking series/films
Edexcel Grammar and Translation workbook
Edexcel French Revision Workbook
Useful tips and resources
Logins will be provided for some of the following sites:
This is School – authentic native speaker videos on GCSE topics, grammar explanation videos and exercises
BBC Bitesize – Practise of a variety of skills for the GCSE topics
Quizlet – Vocabulary
Languages Online – Vocabulary and grammar
Language Gym – Vocabulary and grammar
Easy French videos – Useful listening practise with authentic spoken French