French (Year 10)

Exam Board
What will you study?
Freetime activities – sport, gaming, social media, shopping (food and drink), TV and film, tourist attractions and places in a town
Family and friends – identity, routine, friendship, role-models and celebrations
School – school life, subjects,rules, memories, languages
Healthy living – talking about meal times, good physical and mental health, illness and accidents and lifestyle changes
Holidays – dream holidays, activities, festivals, booking holidays and staycation ideas
Useful tips and resources
Language immersion
Listening to French music
Watch French speaking series/films
Edexcel Grammar and Translation workbook
Edexcel French Revision Workbook
Logins will be provided for some of the following sites:
This is School – authentic native speaker videos on GCSE topics, grammar explanation videos and exercises
BBC Bitesize – good revision activities
Quizlet – Vocabulary
Languages Online – Vocabulary and grammar
Language Gym – Vocabulary and grammar
Easy French – Useful listening practise with authentic spoken French