Exam Board


What will you study?

Freetime activities – sport, gaming, social media, shopping (food and drink), TV and film, tourist attractions and places in a town
Family and friends – identity, routine, friendship, role-models and celebrations

School – school life, subjects,rules, memories, languages
Healthy living – talking about meal times, good physical and mental health, illness and accidents and lifestyle changes

Holidays – dream holidays, activities, festivals, booking holidays and staycation ideas

Useful tips and resources

Language immersion
Listening to French music
Watch French speaking series/films
Edexcel Grammar and Translation workbook
Edexcel French Revision Workbook

Logins will be provided for some of the following sites:
This is School –  authentic native speaker videos on GCSE topics, grammar explanation videos and exercises
BBC Bitesize – good revision activities
Quizlet – Vocabulary
Languages Online – Vocabulary and grammar
Language Gym – Vocabulary and grammar
Easy French – Useful listening practise with authentic spoken French

Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594