Entry at 10+

Step Seamlessly from Prep School into Sutton High Senior School
We know that our difference is the confidence we instil in our girls, so they become fiercely independent. This stems from an all-girls and an all-through (Prep into Senior School) education. It is the key to our success.
Year 5 is a step up in terms of independence, responsibility and organisation – it is all about our girls stepping up to their full potential and becoming role models for the younger girls. Leadership opportunities abound for girls in Year 6, with all the girls allocated to a particular position of responsibility in the Prep School. Year 5 girls attend an outdoor education trip at Bowles, near Tunbridge Wells, as well as Year 6 participating in week’s residential trip at Marchants Hill focusing on transition skills. Their confidence in themselves and their learning blossoms, and they are ready to step forward into the next phase of their school lives. When girls enter Year 6, they have 30% of their lessons in Senior School with Senior School teachers, in what is an immersive transition year, in readiness for the step from Prep into Senior School the following year.
Whenever your daughter joins our Prep School, she is made to feel welcome instantly. The move from a Junior School into Year 7 is a big one, and can be a challenging one. We ensure the move from our Prep School into our Senior School is positive and seamless both academically and pastorally.
11+ Examination
Our girls are awarded a place into Senior School from Year 3, no need to take our 11+.
We prepare our girls for the scholarship tests at Year 6 and many are successful. This is achieved in an environment which is not a ‘hot house’. Girls complete weekly verbal and non-verbal reasoning lessons from Year 3.