Exam Board


What will you study?

Theme 1: Introduction to markets and market failure
● nature of economics
● how markets work

Theme 2: The UK economy – performance and policies
● measures of economic performance
● aggregate demand
● aggregate supply

Theme 1:
Introduction to markets and market failure
Market failure
Government intervention.

Theme 2:
The UK economy – performance and policies
National income
Economic growth
Macroeconomic objectives and policy.

Theme 3:
Business behaviour and the labour market
Business growth
Business objectives

Theme 4:
A global perspective
International economics
Poverty and inequality

• Alain Anderton – Economics
• Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner – Freakonomics
• Tim Hardford – The Undercover Economist
• Ken Binmore – Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction
• David Smith – Free Lunch

Useful tips and resources

• Broadsheet newspapers: The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent, Financial Times
The Economist
• Yr12 T2U Lessons
Bank of England
Khan Academy
Future Learn
University of Southampton
University of Basel

What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?

Economics and Business society – discussing current themes in the financial, business and economics worlds. Autumn Term.

• Dharshini David – Almighty Dollar
• Kate Raworth – Doughnut Economics

The Bank of England Museum

Bitcoin: The End of Money as we know it

Economics and Business society – discussing current themes in the financial, business and economics worlds. Autumn Term.

• Freidrich von Hayek – The Road to Serfdom
• Adam Smith – The Wealth of Nations
• Gareth Stedman Jones – Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion

The Bank of England

The Economist

The True Cost

LEAD – GDST organised entrepreneurial project. Autumn and Spring Terms.
Economics and Business society – discussing current themes in the financial, business and economics worlds. Autumn Term.

• Daniel Kahneman – Thinking, Fast and Slow
• Cass Sunstein & Richard Thaler – Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness
• Richard Thaler – Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioural Economics
• Robert Skidelsky – The Essential Keynes

We feed the World
The Corporation
The Fed and Lehman Brothers: setting the record straight on a financial disaster

The Bank of England

Institute of Economic Affairs
Stock trade simulator

Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594