Exam Board

Cambridge International A level

What will you study?

Component 2: Scripted Extract
Perform a 20 minute extract from a published play in a group.

Component 2: Devised Piece
Create and perform a piece of devised theatre in a group.

Component 1: Written Exam
Blood Wedding- Context, Themes, Plot and Characters.
View from the Bridge- Context, Themes, Plot and Characters.
Technical Theatre Design.

Useful tips and resources

Read plays from the Drama Library.
Explore critical writing on set plays for Component 1.

Watch Live performances of Blood Wedding
Watch Live performances of View from the Bridge

Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594