Design and Technology (Year 8)

What will you study?
2 lessons per week
Over the course of the three terms, you will study a rotation of projects, making use of the various tools, machinery and resources within the department:
Autumn Term
Pop-Art Clocks:
– Use investigative techniques to explore the history of Pop-Art and create an inspiration/mood board.
– Employ a range of different design techniques and strategies, including marker rendering and CAD to create exciting Pop-Art clock designs.
– Use the CAM facilities within the department to create a well-made final product.
Spring Term
Memphis Design Challenge:
– Use product analysis skills to explore some of the iconic products from The Memphis Group and Modernist design movement.
– Use a range of graphical techniques and modelling methods to create a model of your very own Memphis inspired product.
Summer Term
IKEA meets Memphis (Focused Practical Task):
– 1hr Design Challenge
– Use your knowledge of the Memphis Design Movement to modify a simple Scandi style IKEA product.
– This is an innovation challenge providing you with the opportunity to be brave, take risks and ‘think outside the box’.
Plastics Debate:
– Investigate the wider issues associated with design including the environment and sustainability – 6Rs, planned obsolescence and more.
Cupcake Challenge:
– Food based design challenge looking at cupcake design in a ’Bake Off’ style activity.
– Explore different design techniques and strategies including marker rendering, isometric drawing, orthographic projections and exploded diagrams. and
– Making skills – producing a batch of amazing cupcakes.
– Teamworking and project management skills.
Useful tips and resources
How can you prepare for Design Technology at Sutton High? (non-web based)
Take an interest in the World around you – take photos of things that catch your eye, practice your sketching and doodling.
Visit the departmental and school libraries and explore the books and resources on offer.
Visit the V&A and Design Museums and view the exhibitions on Design and beyond.
How can you prepare for Design Technology at Sutton High? (web based)
You can watch the following videos to prepare for the designers and design periods/styles you will be studying:
What is Pop Art?
The Memphis Group
All about plastic
Sir David Attenborough’s plastic message
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
STEM Club – come along and try out various STEM based activities throughout the year. Activities include Ice-cream making, bath bombs, paddle boats, 3D-printing and much more. This club runs after school twice a week.
Manga Club – come along and hone your graphic marker skills, sketching out your favourite manga style characters or creating original works of your own. This club runs after school for 2 terms.
CAD Club – come along and experiment with CAD and CAM, learning how to use CAD packages such as 2D-design, Fusion 360 and Spaceclaim, and using the Laser cutter and 3D-printer to realise your designs. This club runs after school for 2 terms.
See Year 7 Form