Dance (Year 11)

Exam Board
What will you study?
Review ‘A linha curva’ and ‘Emancipation of Expressionism’.
Review ‘Artificial Things’ and ‘Shadows’.
Compare works.
Review set phrases.
Explore stimulus given by AQA. Students to choose a stimulus and choreographic intent and to begin the choreography process.
Students to work independently on their choreographies.
Review ‘Infra’ and ‘Within Her Eyes’.
Compare works.
Split lessons to focus on section A, B and C of the paper.
Assess students in all sections to guide planning for summer half-term 1.
Alternate lessons to focus on the set phrases, choreographies and duet/ trios.
Useful tips and resources
What super curricular activities can KS4 students engage with outside of school?
Link to co-curricular timetable
Links to set pieces
Set piece video 1
Set piece video 2
Set piece video 3
Set piece video 4
Set piece video 5
Set piece video 6