Dance (Year 10)

Exam Board
What will you study?
Appreciation – ‘A linha curva’.
Safe working practises.
Technical, physical and expressive skills.
Exam style questions.
Analysis of the features of production. Understanding of spatial design.
Particular focus on:
• Action and dynamic content.
• Spatial content.
• Dance relationships.
• Choreographic devices such as manipulation of number, repetition, unison and canon.
Contemporary technique (develop technical and physical skills).
Learn set phrases.
Practise performing in front of others demonstrating technical, physical and expressive skills.
Introduction to RADS.
Exploration of dance styles used in A linha curva.
Devise a whole class group dance that includes phrases from the work.
Appreciation – ‘Emancipation of Expressionism’.
Appreciation – ‘Artificial Things’.
Appreciation – ‘Infra’.
Analysis of the features of production.
Exam style questions.
Use of action content from the professional work, including ninja walk, ninja glide, ninja static and chariots of fire.
Workshop the following dance styles: hip hop, krumping, locking and popping, breaking, animation and waacking techniques.
Students create small group pieces.
Teacher-led collaborative choreography in trios using dance ideas from the work e.g. portraits of the families or the snow globe and use of confined space.
Working in small groups to create a short dance in the dance style “neo-classical”.
Teach choreography in the style of McGregor. Students to work in pairs to explore and incorporate gestural content to create a short dance to reflect the choreographic intent of ‘seeing below’ life’s surface.
Appreciation – ‘Within Her Eyes’.
Analysis of the features of production.
Introduce and explore site-specific dance.
Explore dance for camera.
Exam style questions.
Using RADS to describe a motif.
Hypothetical choreography questions.
Choreographic processes.
Choreographic devices.
Students to work in pairs. Teacher leads students though tasks which explore the use of contact work. Students choose a location and create a dance film, considering the use of camera angles and scenery.
Introduce choreography mock assessment in the last week of teaching. This will take place next half-term. Students must choose a stimulus (from last years past paper), choreographic intent and accompaniment over half term.
Using the previous years paper, students choose a stimulus and choreograph a solo or group dance. Teacher to give feedback throughout and assess students at the end.
Useful tips and resources
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
Link to co-curricular timetable
Links to set pieces
Set piece 1
Set piece 2
Set piece 3
Set piece 4
Set piece 5
Set piece 6