Computer Science (Year 10)

Exam Board
What will you study?
Systems Architecture:
Architecture of the CPU
CPU Performance
Secondary Storage
Data Representation:
Units and Binary Numbers
Binary Arithmetic and Hexadecimal
Computer Networks, Connections & Protocols:
The Internet & Wide Area Networks
Local Area Networks
Client Server & Peer-to-Peer Networks
Standards Protocols and Layers
Network Security & Systems Software:
Network Threats
Identifying and Preventing Vulnerabilities
Computational Thinking
Flow Charts
Searching Algorithms
Sorting Algorithms
OCR Pseudocode
Network Security & Systems Software:
Operating Systems
Utility Software
Python Practical Experience: Algorithms
Interpret, Correct or Complete Algorithms
Programming Techniques:
Programming Fundamentals
Sequence and Selection
Procedures and Functions
Records and Files
Introduction to SQL
Useful tips and resources
KS4 CSUK Revision Workbooks (printed)
Craig n’ Dave GCSE OCR Topic Guidance Video Library (all Topics covered)
BBC Bitesize GCSE OCR Computer Science (Topic Enrichment – All Topics Covered)
KS4 6-A-Day Exam Practice & An-Algorithm-A-Day (Topic Reinforcement Exercises – Continual)
KS4 Teach Computing (Topic Reinforcement – All Topics Covered)
GCSE OCR Computer Science Exam Practice Question Platform
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
Raspberry Pi Pico Robotics Club (lunchtime club)
VEX Robotics (after school club run by school STEM coordinator)