Code of Conduct

Behaviour Code of Conduct
We treat others the way we would like to be treated ourselves
We respect the differences between people
We are fair and treat people equally
We respect other people’s beliefs and opinions
We respect other people’s property and possessions
We respect the environment we work in
We are kind, polite, courteous, patient and approachable with all members of the School community
We are honest and truthful but we take care not to hurt other people’s feelings
We are positive in our dealings with others
We celebrate success and never put other people down
We offer support to those who need it
We are friendly and take care to include everyone
We feel that any form of bullying is unacceptable
We cooperate with each other and settle disputes by discussion rather than aggression
We are well organised and prepared for lessons
We are punctual
We complete our work to the best of our ability
We create a positive impression of the School when we are in the wider community
We take our turn in a queue and do not push in
We follow the uniform Code of Conduct
We focus in lessons and do not distract others
The Behaviour Code of Conduct sets out the main values across the school, and these are our baseline expectations for you as a member of our school community.
You will have agreed to these when you joined the school and we will remind you of this Code of Conduct regularly, so that you are clear about how you should behave and relate to others within our community.
The Code of Conduct applies to all pupils from Nursery to Year 13, and it is clear that we want a respectful, inclusive community where kindness is a focus.