Art and Design (Year 10)

Exam Board
Edexcel Art and Design, Art, Craft and Design
What will you study?
Workshops inspired by the following themes:
Drawing and Painting
Fashion/ Textiles
3D Design (ceramics)
Continue to explore the themes from the Autumn Term
Introduction to GCSE format of exam
Prepare for end of year assessment
End of Year Assessment
Refine and complete and outstanding work
Useful tips and resources
Follow the helpful hints booklet given at the start of the course
Make sure you have equipment you can use to home to help with H/W:
good quality fine liners
double sided tape
A stamping letter set
A small paper cutter
Any other general art materials for Home work tasks and general project work
Look up ‘ Tate Shots’ to get a snap shot of different artists studied
What super curricular activities can KS3 students engage with at school?
Visit galleries and exhibitions keeping a record of what has been seen
Spend time in the Art Department at lunch time
Attend GCSE extra sessions after school
Residential trip and day trip to London