Academic Support

Academic support sessions run on a Wednesday lunchtime from 1.40 – 2.10pm in the STEAM building. There are no clubs on Wednesday lunchtime so that all students are free to attend. Teachers are available from all subject areas to provide individualised support to students on any aspect of their learning. We expect students to take the lead in attending these sessions if they feel they need additional support in any subject (e.g. unclear about learning in class, stuck on homework, need advice on revision techniques).
Students may also be asked to attend academic support for the following reasons:
- A missed homework deadline, including any homework that has been missed due to sickness absence of fewer than three days or being out of a lesson for any other reasons (e.g. school trip)
- An inconsistent learning behaviour mark from a teacher
- An action plan task which has not been completed to the required standard
- A request from a teacher that a student requires additional academic support to access the curriculum
An automatically generated email will be sent to students and parents informing them that attendance at Academic Support is required so that teachers can ensure that students are able to catch up on any missed work, address any learning behaviour issues and access the curriculum. Students who fail to attend Academic Support will be issued with a Friday Detention, and again, this email is automatically generated.
Where a student has been asked to attend Academic Support for the reasons shown below, they may choose to complete the outstanding work in advance of the academic support session:
- Missed homework
- Action plan not completed to required standard
- Incomplete/poor quality classwork
- Incomplete/poor quality homework
In these circumstances, students should collect a ‘pink slip’ from the Data Office and ask their teacher to sign off the work. The pink slip should then be returned to the post box outside the Data Office no later than the start of lunch on Wednesday. The student would not then be required to attend the Academic Support session.
If you have any questions about Academic Support, please contact the Academic leadership team via e-mail in the first instance (