ISI Inspection Report

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) carries out inspections of independent schools on behalf of the Department of Education. You can read Mrs Dawson’s summary of our recent inspection, which took place in November 2024 and download the inspection report below.
In 2023, the ISI re-worked their inspection framework and we were inspected under this ‘Framework 2023’. Schools are no longer graded (e.g. good/excellent) but are now inspected against whether each of the Independent Schools Standards are met or not met. However, in special circumstances, the inspection team may choose to recognise a school with a judgement of ‘Significant Strength’. Such judgments are rare and I am very pleased that Sutton High School has been recognised as having a “Significant Strength”, which is identified as the following:
Leaders monitor and analyse assessment data thoroughly and with precision to inform teachers so that they respond to the specific needs of pupils and groups very swiftly and highly effectively. Leaders quickly adapt and revise both the curriculum and timetable in response to their analysis of data, so that pupils’ needs and aspirations are consistently met extremely well. The school’s highly effective use of and response to data is a significant strength of the school.
All Independent Schools Standards were met and our recommended next step (we were only given one of these) is to ensure that all inspection reports are always readily available via our website (we had only placed the last two reports on the website, rather than the last ten years of reports).
From the quality of the academic education we offer to the pastoral support, careers advice and co-curricular activities available, we are extremely proud to help produce confident, articulate, happy young women.
This success is testament to the dedication and commitment of our wonderful staff who work incredibly hard to provide a first-class experience for every student, something that is only made possible by the support shown by our parent body.
If you are a current student or parent then I thank you on behalf of all the staff for your part in making our school such a happy, vibrant and successful environment. If you are a prospective student or parent, I very much look forward to welcoming you to Sutton High School where our core values of courage, truth and joy are always in evidence.
You can read the highlights here and the full report below.
Beth Dawson
2024 ISI Report Highlights
Teachers utilise their good subject knowledge effectively to inform their clear explanations and use questioning to check pupils’ understanding and prompt careful thinking. As a result, pupils apply consistent effort and motivation to their academic studies, and in doing so they develop their knowledge and understanding well and make good progress.
Leaders revise and adapt schemes of work to reflect the current needs of the pupils and as a result pupils exceed national curriculum age-related expectations.
Effective behaviour management and clear expectations ensure that pupils’ behaviour reflects the school’s values of respect, kindness and inclusivity.
Leaders provide support and effective opportunities for pupils to develop confidence and self-esteem.
Pupils are provided with a broad range of recreational activities that help them to develop their understanding and skills in the areas in which they engage.
Pupils are well-prepared for their future lives.
Parents are kept well-informed about the academic progress their child is making.
Leaders provide effective support for pupils with SEND.
The well-planned curriculum enables pupils to learn about the importance of mutual respect and develop their understanding and respect for cultural diversity and people’s individuality
Pupils learn about neurodiversity and the importance of valuing and respecting people’s rights, personal identity and freedom of expression.
Leaders provide effective opportunities for pupils to serve others and to learn skills that prepare them to make meaningful contributions to British and global society.