Sometimes, it is easy to overlook the importance of sustainability. Perhaps we’re desensitised to the word, or its meaning. Perhaps we feel overwhelmed by its enormity. But understanding that the term is one which is centred on practising to “support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality”, we are reminded of just how great it is and how great it can be to us. Can our own health be improved by more sustainable practices? Can we improve our own finances and those of the country if we adapt environmentally friendly services? Can we leave our world in a better place for future generations? Yes! Yes we can and yes we must.
At Sutton High School we are working together to write and implement the first ever Sustainable Policy. Why is this important? It will help to outline the aims and objectives of the school, its staff and students. Furthermore, it will hold us to account and measure our success. Who knows, we may even achieve the following:
- Increase the opportunities for students to be involved in maintaining the green spaces around the school.
- Employ a ‘Horticulturalist in residence’ to maintain our green spaces and facilitate learning on key topics such as gardening for biodiversity and growing food.
- Develop “wellness walks” to increase student opportunities to get outside and into green spaces.
- Plant trees on site and/or contribute to diverse reforesting and rewilding projects in the UK.