Suttonbury 2024: Reflecting on identity and the importance of belonging in our community

We have a team of over 50 students who regularly contribute to our to progressive programme of EDI events and activities. Alayna, Riya and Vibusha have been working hard throughout year as Equality, Diversity and inclusion Ambassadors. Here are their reviews of our lively and engaging Equality, Diversity and Inclusion week. During the week students participated in diverse experiences. 

EDI Ambassadors led a Prep School Assembly focusing on Afro Hair the Halo Code and an assembly on Mixed race identities in the Senior School.  Year 7 & 8 students participated in a variety of EDI Immersive workshops and all students joined in our annual EDI festival Suttonbury. In all experiences they reflected on their identity and the importance of belonging in our community and the wider world. 

Vibusha, Y8 EDI Ambassador 

I’m excited to share my experience of EDI Week as a Y8 EDI Ambassador. This Year has been filled with meaningful activities and events that truly highlight the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion in our school from Black History Month, from all the way back in October, to Suttonbury, our most recent and annual activity. 

One of the highlights for me was participating in the EDI Week assembly. It was inspiring to see so many students and teachers come together to celebrate our differences and promote a more inclusive environment. I was proud to help with the assembly, and it was a great opportunity. 

I also had the chance to engage with the Y7/8 EDI Immersive workshops. These workshops were interactive, and extremely enjoyable! From playing a board game called Go to learning Capoeira, it was all an extraordinary experience. 

Another event I enjoyed was Suttonbury. The festive atmosphere was fantastic, with lots of fun activities that brought everyone together. I helped by taking many pictures and videos which was a lot of fun, and the performances at Suttonbury were amazing! 

Overall, EDI Week has been an enriching experience. Being an EDI Ambassador has allowed me to contribute to creating a more inclusive school environment, and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it.  

Riya, Y8 EDI Ambassador 

EDI week was a memorable experience. I had done many things this week such as the workshops and had found the assemblies fascinating and informative. During the assembly on EDI week, I had learned many things such as the fact that in 1972 Sutton high students were pen pals with students from a school for the blind in Malaysia and the fact that we have been celebrating people from multiple and diverse backgrounds.  

The EDI workshops on Tuesday 25th June 2024 were also a load of fun as we did many different activities, Manga drawing, Go and Capoeira to name a few. All were incredibly interesting as I had never heard of Go or Capoeira before and had never drawn manga. I had walked out of the room knowing more than I knew before I came in. I also loved attending Suttonbury and went to most of the stalls. The Musical and Dance Performances were amazing and the activities on the MUGA were very enjoyable. I enjoyed every moment of EDI week!  

Alayna, Y9 EDI Ambassador 

EDI week was absolutely brilliant, and I loved it. The reason I chose to become an EDI ambassador was to create a diverse community and to show students how we can all be inclusive and supportive to one another. I took part in an assembly on this year’s theme ‘Sutton High – 140 years then and now’ . we also spoke about people of mixed-race heritage showing how we can treat people with equality. 

I love Suttonbury and every year it is great to see people having fun, getting involved in activities and playing games, while also representing a community that is diverse. I performed with Tharani in Suttonbury and all of my friends and I had a wonderful time. 


Sutton High Prep School

86 Grove Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AL
T. 020 8225 3072

Sutton High Senior School

55 Cheam Road, Sutton,
Surrey, SM1 2AX
T. 020 8642 0594