Year 2 were very lucky to have a visit from Freya’s dad, Dr Hreiche, this week. He told us all about his expedition to Everest Base Camp and what a story it was! Dr Hreiche’s professional talk took us through his personal journey demonstrating his resilience and courage as he overcame a neck injury to realise his dream of being a mountain medic and traveling to Everest’s Base Camp.
It was not an easy journey, but we learnt that the most satisfying results occur when we push ourselves out of our comfort zones. The scenery was stunning and we were fascinated to see his journey unfold as they trekked higher and higher to base camp. There is usually a moral to every story and today’s was clear and inspiring and linked in beautifully with our Breathe The Wild Air curriculum and Sutton High beliefs: go outdoors and connect with nature; resilience is definitely a Superpower to embrace; we are all passionate about protecting our planet so do something such as recycle and try to avoid using plastic – the damage of global warming could be clearly seen as a glacier on the mountain is retracting; and finally -Be You! Don’t ever be afraid to choose your own path and make your dreams come true.
Well, you can imagine the excitement and discussion that followed. The girls said that they felt inspired to go out and do something different. They could appreciate the Superpowers that Dr Hreiche used such as courage, bravery, curiosity and joy in achieving something so wonderful and memorable. But most importantly, Freya was really proud of her daddy!