No doubt you have many individual memories of your time at school. The final year of your schooldays included a number of memorable events which appear in the school magazines and log-book.
Take the school year, 1972-73. The school swimming pool was in its first year of use but fund-raising for it continued. Do you remember one such fund-raising event, the staff pantomime, held over three nights in January 1973? The pantomime was Snow White, with Mrs Collins as Snow White, Miss Budgen as Prince Ariel and Miss Glover as the mirror. The school also celebrated the centenary of the Trust by planting a maple tree in the garden. The Christmas concert is always a highlight of the year but how many of you remember that the second night had to be postponed due to fog?
Class of 1974. You were the year-group that had two headmistresses: Miss Glover retired in December 1973 and was replaced by Miss Wulff, who arrived just in time for the school’s 90th birthday. Do you remember the Twenties -themed party you hosted for Miss Glover before she retired or the production of “The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew”? The Autumn term also saw the Sutton Cantata Choir’s concert and the UVI Christmas Concert, otherwise referred to in the magazine as the “Sutton Streaker Show”. The day off for Princess Anne’s wedding in November must have provided a welcome break!